Greetings to all our friends, it's been a few months since our last update but you will be glad to know that your favorite (dare I say only) Bounty Hunters Guild has been hard at work for the 501st Legion. With the annoucnement of Celebrations VI the 501st has began its planning for CVI and the Bounty Hunters Guild will be there in full force.
I am happy to announce we plan on once again presenting a Bounty Hunting in the Star Wars Universe panel, but this year we will be bringing on board some friends to help out. The Bounty Hunters panel will feature not only experts from the 501st Legion but also members from The Dented Helmet will be on hand to lend their expertsie on all things Boba, Jango and Zam.
The Guild is excited about this partnership and this panel promises to blow you away like a box of thermal detonators covered in fudge.