A wretched hive of scum and villany for hire

Welcome to the 501st Bounty Hunters Guild Blog...your portal into the world of Star Wars Bounty Hunters (BH) costuming. The 501st is a world-wide organization whose mission is to share their passion for the Star Wars, promote the art of costumes and props, and to give back to their community through charitable work.If you love Star Wars Bounty Hunters then you've come to the right place. Check back often as we build and improve upon this site. Future improvements will include costume building tips, fan photo area, Tales from our Bounty Hunters (fan fiction), and the Contract Center used for playing "Target List", a new interactive social media experience.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Zuckuss Don't be a Boba Hater

Originally Posted on Star Wars Blog Jul 2007, by Raynkaufman

Diary of Zuckuss Part VI: Why I SO TOTALLY Hate Boba Fett

Hey everyone, Zuckuss here again...

Okay, so, I used to kind of hate Boba Fett... but now I TOTALLY hate him. He is the meanest, most jerk-faced bounty hunter, even worse than Bossk. He sucks Gundark eggs!

Why? Why do you hate him so much Zuckuss??? Okay, diary, try THIS on for size.

So, last Friday I was like wanting to see that holodvid about Reginald Barkbone... Pirates of the Fire Rings of Fornax III. I rented the flick, made some popcorn, and called up Boba.

Me: "Wassssssuupp!"
Boba: "Who is this?"
Me: "Wassup, dude!"
Boba: "Seriously, who is this?"
Me: "Zuckizizuzzz"
(This is how my favorite singer, Snoop Snootles always mizzixes up his wizzords. It's hilarious!)

Boba hung up. He sounded kinda cranky. So I called him back.

Me: "Yo, it's Zuckuss."
Boba: "What do you want?"
Me: "I got Barkbone 3, mando boy! Cmon over! Got Corellian ales and popcorn!"
Boba: "Who else is coming?"
Me: "Nobody, dikut! Just you and me, man!"
Boba: "I..... um. I can't."
Me: "Cmmmon, akk dawg."
Boba: "I've... I've got hive flu."
Me: "Eww. Sounds gross. What is it?"
Boba: "Mandalorian chickenpox."
Me: "Okay well... You're missing out. Anyway, hope you feel better."
Boba: "Yeah. Uh [cough cough], think I'll just go to bed."

So far, so good, right? Sounds like he's got a pretty bad cold.

Well, then MONDAY MORNING, Dengar sends this over the holonet:

From: Dengar
To: Bounty Hunterz
Subj: Friday Night

OMG, You GUYS! DUDE! We had such a blast at Vader's party on Friday. SO AWEZUZM>!! BUT LOOK! Here's BOba Doing the "Walk of Cool". Way to go, Fetty. YOO DAMAN!

Friday night??? When he supposed to be SICK IN BED?!!!


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